There are 4 kinds of cooperations: a good heart with good routine, a good heart with bad routine, a bad heart with good routine, and a bad heart with bad routine. The best cooperations between an advisor and his student must be a bad heart with a good routine. Why is that? If the advisor only has good heart, he may not benefit at all and will not do that in the sustainable way. A good relationship(one for work, not for family) should be to take advantage of the student (a bad heart) and with a good routine, the student learns much about all the knowledge that is not accessible in the open world.

Why the idea came to me is because my advisor once said he smashed 3 mobile phones of his kid. That’s a good heart at its least, in vain at its best. The result will not prevail the condition where the father does not love his kid at all, whereas intriguing his kid’s other interests and restraining the usage of mobile phone by means of setting up the wireless router. A good result has nothing to do with a good heart and comes merely from a scientific way.


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