我能理解这样的想法,事实上这是不少中年人的想法。丧失了年轻的冲劲,属于自己层次的东西,该看也都看过了,不属于自己层次的东西,也不知道有啥好看的了。这样的状态,说明中年人的人生范围正在极速缩小。我觉得人生有一个很有意思的地方,不同于I think there is one thing that is amazingly intriguing, which is to see what a seemingly common thing that happened long before (say, 10 years ago) to have a huge impact on the everyday life. The unanticipation and the expectation for these kind of unanticipations really attract me to start the new day off right.(呼,用英语表达爽一点)