The best ranking is Ritzberger(2008) [1]. I mostly agree with everything on it, especially the A+ and A tier. Also, the list does not include Journal of Economic Literature and Journal of Economic Perspectives,
because they solicit papers rather than taking submissions,
which is a good point and quite fair in academic evaluation.
The next ranking that is partially worth noticing is Ming-Jen Lin et al. (2019) [2]. The downside of this alternative is that it is too loosely distinguished in its A+ tier. 36 of them are in the same A+ tier. That does not exert the functionality of distinction. There are definitely good ones and not-so-good ones in anything within a basket of 36 items. This list should distinguish the A+ tier more delicately and divide some into the new A tier, and move the original A tier to a new B+ tier. Beside, this list ranks JELs which do not accept submissions from the general public as suggested by Ritzberger(2008), which is not considerate. Anyways, the list is good for a latest ranking list, whereas not as good as the Ritzberger(2008) list.
So, for now, the best ranking list in economics and finance is still the Ritzberger(2008) list. It is too sensible to necessitate a new one. One should fill new journals in the original Ritzberger(2008) list rather than proposing a new one. Here is what it is.
A+ : Top journals Value KMS PV
Econometrica 100 96.78 100
Quarterly Journal of Economics 72.41 58.11 98.83
Review of Economic Studies 53.02 45.15 64.33
Journal of Political Economy 51.34 65.19 66.86
Journal of Finance 38.33 – –
Journal of Monetary Economics 37.91 36.41 46.10
American Economic Review 36.14 100 75.93
Journal of Economic Theory 34.58 58.76 34.41
Journal of Econometrics 25.99 54.91 21.15
Games and Economic Behavior 21.24 35.49 32.55
A: Excellent journals
International Economic Review 39.44 23.04 15.59
Journal of Financial Economics 30.97 9.89 15.01
Review of Financial Studies 30.39 – –
Journal of Economic Growth 29.45 – –
Journal of International Economics 22.87 7.84 11.40
Review of Economics and Statistics 20.11 28.02 16.28
Journal of Labor Economics 19.21 12.76 17.35
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 17.66 38.41 14.81
Journal of Public Economics 17.10 19.77 16.28
Economic Journal 16.78 20.71 11.89
Economic Theory 15.30 22.43 18.23
RAND Journal of Economics 14.11 11.44 20.08
Econometric Theory 11.78 45.85 16.08
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 11.16 14.54 10.53
Journal of Mathematical Economics 10 7.64 10.04