A = cell2mat(C)
Convert Cell Array to Numeric Array
Convert numeric arrays in four cells of a cell array into one numeric array.
C = {[1], [2 3 4];
[5; 9], [6 7 8; 10 11 12]}
C = 2×2 cell array
{[ 1]} {1×3 double}
{2×1 double} {2×3 double}
A = cell2mat(C)
A = 3×4
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
converts the arrays C
= char(A1,...,An)A1,...,An
into a single character array. After conversion to characters, the input arrays become rows in C
. The char
function pads rows with blank spaces as needed. If any input array is an empty character array, then the corresponding row in C
is a row of blank spaces.
So the char function adds vnames with names(i) into a character array.
To illustrate the use of the `results’ structure returned by our ols function,
consider the associated function plt_reg which plots actual versus predicted values along with the residuals.
So it’s a graphical function to draw graphs.
sar_panel_FE is just a m file in jplv7 in folder \Matlab Version 7 zip file\spatial\panel.
And this subroutine explains what is an info which I cannot find reference through F2/F3 command in IntelliJ!
I change to bold font to show the commands used in the code.
function results = sar_panel_FE(y,x,W,T,info)
% PURPOSE: computes spatial lag model estimates for spatial panels
% (N regions*T time periods) with spatial fixed effects (u)
% and/or time period fixed effects (v)
% y = p*W*y + X*b + u (optional) + v(optional) + e, using sparse matrix algorithms
% Supply data sorted first by time and then by spatial units, so first region 1,
% region 2, et cetera, in the first year, then region 1, region 2, et
% cetera in the second year, and so on
% sar_panel_FE computes y and x in deviation of the spatial and/or time means
% —————————————————
% USAGE: results = sar_panel_FE(y,x,W,T,info)
% where: y = dependent variable vector
% x = independent variables matrix
% W = spatial weights matrix (standardized)
% T = number of points in time
% info = an (optional) structure variable with input options:
% info.model = 0 pooled model without fixed effects (default, x may contain an intercept)
% = 1 spatial fixed effects (x may not contain an intercept)
% = 2 time period fixed effects (x may not contain an intercept)
% = 3 spatial and time period fixed effects (x may not contain an intercept)
% info.fe = report fixed effects and their t-values in prt_sp (default=0=not reported; info.fe=1=report)
% info.Nhes = N =< Nhes asymptotic variance matrix is computed using analytical formulas,
% N > Nhes asymptotic variance matrix is computed using numerical formulas
% (Default NHes=500)
% info.rmin = (optional) minimum value of rho to use in search
% info.rmax = (optional) maximum value of rho to use in search
% info.convg = (optional) convergence criterion (default = 1e-8)
% info.maxit = (optional) maximum # of iterations (default = 500)
% info.lflag = 0 for full lndet computation (default = 1, fastest)
% = 1 for MC lndet approximation (fast for very large problems)
% = 2 for Spline lndet approximation (medium speed)
% info.order = order to use with info.lflag = 1 option (default = 50)
% info.iter = iterations to use with info.lflag = 1 option (default = 30)
% info.lndet = a matrix returned by sar containing log-determinant information to save time
% —————————————————
% RETURNS: a structure
% results.meth = ‘psar’ if infomodel=0
% = ‘sarsfe’ if info.model=1
% = ‘sartfe’ if info.model=2
% = ‘sarstfe’ if info.model=3
% results.beta = bhat
% results.rho = rho (p above)
% results.cov = asymptotic variance-covariance matrix of the parameters b(eta) and rho
% results.tstat = asymp t-stat (last entry is rho=spatial autoregressive coefficient)
% results.yhat = [inv(y-p*W)]*[x*b+fixed effects] (according to prediction formula)
% results.resid = y-p*W*y-x*b
% results.sige = (y-p*W*y-x*b)’*(y-p*W*y-x*b)/n
% results.rsqr = rsquared
% results.corr2 = goodness-of-fit between actual and fitted values
% results.sfe = spatial fixed effects (if info.model=1 or 3)
% results.tfe = time period fixed effects (if info.model=2 or 3)
% results.tsfe = t-values spatial fixed effects (if info.model=1 or 3)
% results.ttfe = t-values time period fixed effects (if info.model=2 or 3)
% results.con = intercept
% results.con = t-value intercept
% results.lik = log likelihood
% results.nobs = # of observations
% results.nvar = # of explanatory variables in x
% results.tnvar = nvar + W*y + # fixed effects
% results.iter = # of iterations taken
% results.rmax = 1/max eigenvalue of W (or rmax if input)
% results.rmin = 1/min eigenvalue of W (or rmin if input)
% results.lflag = lflag from input
% results.fe = fe from input
% results.liter = info.iter option from input
% results.order = info.order option from input
% results.limit = matrix of [rho lower95,logdet approx, upper95] intervals
% for the case of lflag = 1
% results.time1 = time for log determinant calcluation
% results.time2 = time for eigenvalue calculation
% results.time3 = time for hessian or information matrix calculation
% results.time4 = time for optimization
% results.time = total time taken
% results.lndet = a matrix containing log-determinant information
% (for use in later function calls to save time)
% ————————————————–
% NOTES: if you use lflag = 1 or 2, info.rmin will be set = -1
% info.rmax will be set = 1
% For number of spatial units < 500 you should use lflag = 0 to get
% exact results,
% Fixed effects and their t-values are calculated as the deviation
% from the mean intercept
% —————————————————
% Updated by: J.Paul Elhorst summer 2008
% University of Groningen
% Department of Economics
% 9700AV Groningen
% the Netherlands
% j.p.elhorst@rug.nl
% Elhorst JP (2003) Specification and Estimation of Spatial Panel Data Models,
% International Regional Science Review 26: 244-268.
% Elhorst JP (2009) Spatial Panel Data Models. In Fischer MM, Getis A (Eds.)
% Handbook of Applied Spatial Analysis, Ch. C.2. Springer: Berlin Heidelberg New York.
what is the difference between prt_sp and prt_reg/plt_reg ?
There is no a prt_sp in the jplv7 folder. But I see the plt_reg/prt_reg appeared in Applied Econometrics using MATLAB James P. LeSage.pdf.
It seems that pl is short for plot.
function prt_reg(results,vnames,fid)
% PURPOSE: Prints output using regression results structures
% USAGE: prt_reg(results,vnames,fid)
% Where: results = a structure returned by a regression
% vnames = an optional vector of variable names
% fid = optional file-id for printing results to a file
% (defaults to the MATLAB command window)
% NOTES: e.g. vnames = strvcat(‘y’,’const’,’x1′,’x2′);
% e.g. fid = fopen(‘ols.out’,’wr’);
% use prt_reg(results,[],fid) to print to a file with no vnames
% ————————————————–
% RETURNS: nothing, just prints the regression results
% ————————————————–
% SEE ALSO: prt, plt
function plt_reg(results,vnames);
% PURPOSE: plots regression actual vs predicted and residuals
% USAGE: plt_reg(results);
% where: results is a structure returned by a regression function
% RETURNS: nothing, just plots regression results
% ————————————————–
% NOTE: user must supply pause commands, none are in plt_reg function
% e.g. plt_reg(results);
% pause;
% plt_reg(results2);
% ————————————————–
% SEE ALSO: prt_reg(results), prt, plt