Minhong Yu said, whereas the most brilliant brains switched from official department to private startups in the 1980s, it is the other way around nowadays. Official rank orientation(hereinafter the ORO issue) in career path option is prominent in China. Official rank orientation appears in countries where regions develop differently, especially countries with a lot of mountains and dialects. If you travel around the US, you won’t encounter an accent issue. The biggest diference is probably between the boston accent and the standard American one. There are a lot of mountains in Japan and the accent difference between Kansai accent(関西) and Kanto accent(関東)is significant. That’s one of the reasons why the ORO issue in Japan is more severe than one in the US. And cantonese is by no means comprehensible for mandarin speakers without specific training, not to mention the Hokkien dialect(閩南語) and many minority dialects across the country. That’s why the ORO issue is even more cursed in China.
The ORO issue is a big one for it reduces the ecomomic efficiency and limits innovation potential. Entrepreneurs have to spend bunch of time to treat the high rank officers so not as much time for product developments. That is politics costs. A lot of mega corporations have conflicts inside but Chinese ones have extra waste outside apart from the devastating enough inside ones. That’s a thing I feel the country still runs on its aricultural mechanism which lasts for thousands of years.
Another issue that perplexes the country is the parents in China are keen on having a baby. The economic fuel no longer relies on bare number of population. It is no more the case yet many people are not aware of that. Maybe it comes from the hunger for population resources in an aricultural society. Maybe the Chinese people is not productive physically after 35 years old for body characteristics. I don’t know. Many US and European couples enbrace their second marriage and still got 2 babies after the age of 40. It’s wierd to push to have babies before 35 or 30. That’s the thing I cannot possibly understand. What I do feel is that the country runs on its aricultural mechanism for the people’s mindset whereas the capitalism takes over the developed part. For instance, the Internet tycoons calls for rigid copyright standard in the four mega cities whereas copyleft scenerios prevail in most regions of the country. The country is way devoloping and time is needed for people to change. It’s sad that ORO regains the mainstrean.
Well, I thinks of a possible reason for the phenomenon Minhong Yu mentioned. The ORO mechanism behaves ineffectively while kindly. The capitalism behaves effectively but brutally. People found that there is not much blue occean opportunities for nuts and it is never an amusing thing around relentless businesses without any preparations. They have not acquired enough initiative methodology to start with and the cruelty is the only consequence. The terrible fame for ruthless businesses intimidates people and they escape back to the state payroll that is familiar with for decades. We are in a stage where the bold tries best to update technologies to catch up with developed countries. Imtimidated (and idling) big brains in the state department may hold back the process would they get jealous.