The glow of danger


1、紫外线可以从开阔水域、沙子、混凝土和油漆过的墙壁上反射出来。混凝土等坚硬或光滑的表面反射更多的紫外线。Different kinds of surfaces can reflect UV light. dry sand can reflect up to 18% UV. At around 80%, fresh snow reflects even more UV radiation than grassy areas, which can reflect about 5% of UV light only.

2、Standard window glass, according to the International Ultraviolet Association, will allow UV-A to pass through while almost 100% of the UV-B and UV-C light is blocked. However, mirrors that are made from polished aluminum can reflect as much as 80% of the UV light.

3、Different kinds of surfaces can reflect UV light. Dry sand can reflect up to 18% UV. At around 80%, fresh snow reflects even more UV radiation than grassy areas, which can reflect about 5% of UV light only.

真的是glow of danger。危险的蓝色辉光。即使是光源背对着你,也尽量不要去看它。因为各种墙壁的表面也可能反射紫外线。我就在光源背对着我时、看了几眼,眼睛酸痛了一个晚上,还好第二天早上恢复了。这如果正对着看上一眼,得有多大危害?